Roger began feeling sick in the middle of last week. By Thursday, he.was.sick! He left work Thursday morning, came home and went straight to bed, and then got up to go to the doctor where he was diagnosed with the flu. He came home, went back to bed, and stayed there for the next two days. Thankfully, the doctor gave him a prescription for Tamiflu, so he got better more quickly than he would have without the medication.
Saturday, Ian didn't act like he felt well. I told him he needed to take a nap after lunch, but when I was putting him in bed he was shivering and feverish. So, I came downstairs and called our pediatrician's office only to find out they had already closed for the day. I took him to a walk-in clinic at a local Walmart. He was swabbed for the flu and it was positive. We filled a script for Tamiflu, got him some gatorade and anything else he said he would eat and came home.
Sunday, Bethany was grumpy, but did not have a fever. Ligon was fine until he awoke from his nap in the afternoon with a fever. So, back to the clinic we went, but this time we decided to get Bethany tested, too, and possibly Lauren, and we were going to beg for a preventative script of Tamiflu for Franklin since he is going out of town with his dad this weekend. We got there at 5:30 and we're told they had just accepted their last patient for the day (even though their office hours say they are open until 6!). We drove to the other clinic in town, which was also supposed to be open until 6, and they had already turned out the lights and locked the doors even though it was only 5:40. With tears, I got back in my van and drove 35 minutes back home.
Today, Lauren, Bethany, and Ligon woke up with fevers. Back for another try at the clinic.
This is what today looked like...
10:00 Left the house
10:40 Arrived at walk-in clinic
11:50 "I'm sorry, but we can't see your baby here. He's too young. We'll see the other two and then you can go to the clinic at the hospital for the baby. But don't worry, we'll go ahead and sign him in over there now." And, I couldn't have been told this an hour ago???
12:15 Walk out of clinic and over to pharmacy for scripts for Tamiflu for Lauren and Bethany. "I'm sorry, but we are out of Tamiflu."
12:20 Load everyone up and head over to the other clinic for Ligon.
1:20 "You can come on back, but we don't have a room big enough for your family, and you need the bigger room anyway for the baby scale, but I'll go ahead and put you in a smaller room anyway." ummmmm...ooooookay...
2:30 "The FDA recommends we do a flu test on infants less than one year."
3:00 "Ligon tested negative for the flu, but he has an ear infection, so we'll start him on antibiotics."
At this point no one had eaten anything since 8:30 in the morning, except for Ligon who ate a jar of baby food. We left, went to Rite Aid where we were told, "I'm sorry, but we are out of Tamiflu." We got FOOD! We went to another pharmacy who could fill Ligon's script and Lauren's and Bethany's, but didn't have enough for Miles who now has the chills, or preventative for Ari and Franklin. So, on to Kroger who could fill it for one, but not the last two, but when I came back to get one they told me they could compound it, so I waited another 45 minutes.
And at 6:15 we finally got home.
And now Franklin is starting to feel dizzy, so it looks like "preventative" just turned into something else!
Yes, it was a tough day. For everyone. It was a very long day for children who already don't feel well, and would rather be lying on the sofa watching a movie than anything else. I am glad that everyone is safely in their beds, and pray that they each sleep well and feel better when they awake.
I could complain and complain about how hard the past several days have been, and how trying the past two days have been, but I would rather think about this...
-On my facebook there were a number of people who told me they were praying. And, I believe they were! This day could have been worse. The kids were very well behaved, considering how much time we spent in doctor's offices today.
-A friend from church, Evelyn, called this morning to ask how she could help. If you have ever lived in a place with no family then you know what a BIG deal this is. She knew I was taking the kids to the doctor for the flu, and yet she volunteered to meet me at the clinic and hang out with the healthy ones...even though she knew she would be exposed. This...this act of what life is about... it is about being the hands and feet of Jesus. Although, I refused her help because I didn't want her to get sick, the fact that she called and offered...completely made my day!!! What an amazing example of God's love!
-My friend, Kristy, has offered to get me anything I need and drop it off. What a blessing?! I may need to take her up on her offer before this stuff is over! And, she told me she loves me. That is medicine to my soul at the moment.
-My dear husband sent me many texts throughout my ordeal today. He is so loving and encouraging. His words gave me the boost I needed...just when I needed it. I love this man!!!
-One last thing...I have another friend, Elaine, who wrote on my facebook wall that she wished she were here to help. She is not "family," but she is family of my heart. I feel so loved that she would want to help me.
Oh, how I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends...the hands and feet of Jesus.
I cherish each of you.
I treasure your prayers.
And the final note:
No, we chose not to get flu shots this year. It may, or may not have helped. Yes, I am rethinking this decision, but what's done is done. I am moving on. A chastisement is not beneficial for this very exhausted mom at the moment. Now, go drink some orange juice, and get a good night's sleep!
Saturday, Ian didn't act like he felt well. I told him he needed to take a nap after lunch, but when I was putting him in bed he was shivering and feverish. So, I came downstairs and called our pediatrician's office only to find out they had already closed for the day. I took him to a walk-in clinic at a local Walmart. He was swabbed for the flu and it was positive. We filled a script for Tamiflu, got him some gatorade and anything else he said he would eat and came home.
Sunday, Bethany was grumpy, but did not have a fever. Ligon was fine until he awoke from his nap in the afternoon with a fever. So, back to the clinic we went, but this time we decided to get Bethany tested, too, and possibly Lauren, and we were going to beg for a preventative script of Tamiflu for Franklin since he is going out of town with his dad this weekend. We got there at 5:30 and we're told they had just accepted their last patient for the day (even though their office hours say they are open until 6!). We drove to the other clinic in town, which was also supposed to be open until 6, and they had already turned out the lights and locked the doors even though it was only 5:40. With tears, I got back in my van and drove 35 minutes back home.
Today, Lauren, Bethany, and Ligon woke up with fevers. Back for another try at the clinic.
This is what today looked like...
10:00 Left the house
10:40 Arrived at walk-in clinic
11:50 "I'm sorry, but we can't see your baby here. He's too young. We'll see the other two and then you can go to the clinic at the hospital for the baby. But don't worry, we'll go ahead and sign him in over there now." And, I couldn't have been told this an hour ago???
12:15 Walk out of clinic and over to pharmacy for scripts for Tamiflu for Lauren and Bethany. "I'm sorry, but we are out of Tamiflu."
12:20 Load everyone up and head over to the other clinic for Ligon.
1:20 "You can come on back, but we don't have a room big enough for your family, and you need the bigger room anyway for the baby scale, but I'll go ahead and put you in a smaller room anyway." ummmmm...ooooookay...
2:30 "The FDA recommends we do a flu test on infants less than one year."
3:00 "Ligon tested negative for the flu, but he has an ear infection, so we'll start him on antibiotics."
At this point no one had eaten anything since 8:30 in the morning, except for Ligon who ate a jar of baby food. We left, went to Rite Aid where we were told, "I'm sorry, but we are out of Tamiflu." We got FOOD! We went to another pharmacy who could fill Ligon's script and Lauren's and Bethany's, but didn't have enough for Miles who now has the chills, or preventative for Ari and Franklin. So, on to Kroger who could fill it for one, but not the last two, but when I came back to get one they told me they could compound it, so I waited another 45 minutes.
And at 6:15 we finally got home.
And now Franklin is starting to feel dizzy, so it looks like "preventative" just turned into something else!
Yes, it was a tough day. For everyone. It was a very long day for children who already don't feel well, and would rather be lying on the sofa watching a movie than anything else. I am glad that everyone is safely in their beds, and pray that they each sleep well and feel better when they awake.
I could complain and complain about how hard the past several days have been, and how trying the past two days have been, but I would rather think about this...
-On my facebook there were a number of people who told me they were praying. And, I believe they were! This day could have been worse. The kids were very well behaved, considering how much time we spent in doctor's offices today.
-A friend from church, Evelyn, called this morning to ask how she could help. If you have ever lived in a place with no family then you know what a BIG deal this is. She knew I was taking the kids to the doctor for the flu, and yet she volunteered to meet me at the clinic and hang out with the healthy ones...even though she knew she would be exposed. This...this act of what life is about... it is about being the hands and feet of Jesus. Although, I refused her help because I didn't want her to get sick, the fact that she called and offered...completely made my day!!! What an amazing example of God's love!
-My friend, Kristy, has offered to get me anything I need and drop it off. What a blessing?! I may need to take her up on her offer before this stuff is over! And, she told me she loves me. That is medicine to my soul at the moment.
-My dear husband sent me many texts throughout my ordeal today. He is so loving and encouraging. His words gave me the boost I needed...just when I needed it. I love this man!!!
-One last thing...I have another friend, Elaine, who wrote on my facebook wall that she wished she were here to help. She is not "family," but she is family of my heart. I feel so loved that she would want to help me.
Oh, how I have been blessed with so many wonderful friends...the hands and feet of Jesus.
I cherish each of you.
I treasure your prayers.
And the final note:
No, we chose not to get flu shots this year. It may, or may not have helped. Yes, I am rethinking this decision, but what's done is done. I am moving on. A chastisement is not beneficial for this very exhausted mom at the moment. Now, go drink some orange juice, and get a good night's sleep!